Kyrie Gemma Baldwin and her friend Lynsey went to see A sing along showing of Bohemian Rhapsody, yesterday afternoon, 24th February 2019. They are both very lucky getting the opportunity to see this.
This is what Kyrie said about her afternoon.......
"It was a glorious afternoon on Sunday 24th February 2019 and I was going to be seeing A sing along showing of Bohemian Rhapsody. I was seeing it with a good friend from work Lynsey.
We reached the cinema at 2:05pm just in time to get some popcorn and a cold refreshing drink before going up and getting to our screen and into our seats at 2:25pm. The adverts started at half past 2, by this time me and Lynsey were getting impatient for the film to start as we had been waiting over a month for this to come around. As the lights dimmed and the film was about to start I had butterflies and was super excited as I was eager to see this fabulous film again on the big screen and I was ready to sing my heart out. As the fanfare came on along with the 20th Century Fox logo I felt my excitment spill over and I was clapping my hands ready to begin.
I saw Rami Malek (Freddie Mercury) on screen and I smiled so wide knowing the opening notes of Somebody to Love were about to play. As this beautiful song started to play I sat up straight and took a big breath in so my lungs were filled with oxygen ready to belt out the well known lyrics, the words came up on the screen and in an instant I was singing loud and proud not caring who heard me. I loved the way as the words lit up they were like neon and changed colours it was like watching a disco.
I had a bit of a cry at the scenes where Love of my Life played that song is so deep and meaningful the lyrics are so beautiful, I was teary and had to take deep breaths to try and compose myself. I laughed at the scene where Bohemian Rhapsody was being created as the comments being made and certain things that happened.
As each song passed everyone in the auditorium was singing loud and really enjoying it. When We Will Rock You came on we all did the foot stamping and claps as we sung along with the lyrics, I did a small yell as the song ended and leaned back in my seat and just smiled as Rami spoke the worlds "we love taking a bite out of the big apple, who wants to take a bite out of me" I couldn't help but think he has no idea how many fans would say yes to that question.
I especially loved the scene where Another One Bites the Dust was playing as that is one of my all time favourites, I could see other people in the cinema tapping the riff that John Deacon plays on the bass along with me and I sung along tapping my feet and as well as my hands to beat.
I kept looking at Lynsey and she was smiling and singing along so happily. We both enjoy all the same songs. As the scene where Freddie gets his diagnosis went through and then he tells the other members of Queen again I was in floods of tears, it was so upsetting and I couldn't imagine having to be given that sort of news by anyone I love.
Live Aid is the part of this amazing movie that brings it all together all the ups and downs, happy and sad times. I feel like I became part of the live aid crowd in that moment that it started and I felt excitment beyond anything else. When Rami started playing the unforgettable chords of Bohemian Rhapsody I screamed and sung along so loud not caring how I may of looked to others around me. Me, Lynsey and all the other film goers did the double clap during Radio Ga Ga, I clapped my hands above my head as I really engrossed in the moment. Then came Freddies famous Ay-Oh sequence, everyone did this as loud as they could and then when the Alright came everyone shouted it out and clapped the energy at this stage in the audotorium was electric everyone was having so much fun, We belted out Hammer to Fall and laughed when Rami looked at the crowd through his legs as Freddie did at the real live aid. The last song was We Are The Champions this song made me a little emotional as I knew the end of the film was near and I would have the leave we all waved our arms in the air during this iconic masterpiece of a song. Everyone stayed till the end of the credits as Don't Stop Me Now and The Show Must go on were included and the lyrics were on screen for those too.
Once me and Lynsey left the audotorium we were still singing Queen songs and started talking about our trip to Catford to see Majesty in April and how it will be wonderful to expirience all Queen's biggest hits in a live setting for the first time, all the way home i was still singing Queen as well and felt euphoria Queen give me a happiness no other artist ever has and I will never be able to thank them enough for that."
Thank you so much Kyrie for sharing with us your experience.
Sounds like an amazing atmosphere for watching and participation.