On the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of May 2019, "Queen Tribute Band Majesty, performed their fantastic show on The QE2 Dubai. James Campion wasn't able to attend, so Matthew Chung stood in for him.
A legend of the sea, The Queen Elizabeth 2 is a floating entertainment, heritage and hotel destination famed for its storied past from the 1960s.
Docked permanently at Dubai’s Mina Rashid, she is #stillmakinghistory as she continues her story in one of the world’s most eclectic cities.
On board her passengers will discover over 13 unique dining, nightlife and event concepts, they can relax in a wide choice of cabins and suites and they will have the unique opportunity to discover her heritage at the terminal exhibition which showcases original interior artwork, volumes of literature from the former library and more.

Majesty Arriving In Dubai
On Majesty's Facebook Page, they posted the following..........
We’re about to hit the stage for our first show in #Dubai. Performing at the wonderful The QE2 Dubai.
Here are comments that Majesty received to the post.........
Dale Tatnell
"Being on the QE2, you got to play Seven Seas and end with God Save The Queen. 😁 Have a great show!" Majesty To Dale
"No doubt! X"
Kyrie Gemma Baldwin
"Have a fabulous first show darlings you are amazing and so humble wish I could be there xxx"
Lyn Macdonald
"Have a fab show guys x"
Lynsey Gee Nunn
"Have a wonderful show guys ✌😊"
James Knight
"Good luck 🤩"
Lorena Perez
"Show must go on 💓" Majesty To Lorena!
Joanne Graham-Kelly
“Love of My Life” Please guys, for my husband Sean Kelly who is sat next to me at your Dubai debut gig!" Majesty To Joanne
"❤️❤️❤️" Joanne To Majesty
"😘" Lizzie Spiller
"Awe hope this happens x
Michelle Penny Lea
"Love of my life my favourite,have a fabulous show. xxx"
Lyn Macdonald To Michelle
"That is such a beautiful song. My favourites are "Fat Bottomed Girls" and "Don't Stop Me Now" x"
Simon Eldridge
"Living the dream!!!" Majesty To Simon
"🎸🎸🎸" Lizzie Spiller
"Hammer to fall x" Gail Paul
"Have a good one guys!!!.....That's not a request, its just good wishes!!😂😘x"
Dipti C Charlton
"#iwantotbreakfree" Majesty To Dipti
"🤘🤘🤘" Dipti To Majesty
Julie Smart
"Have a great show!" Majesty To Julie
"Thanks Xxx"
Kathy Saxton
"And it is amazing."

Carima Jabri
"Amazing Show, thank you xx"

Requests From Audience Members
On Majesty's FaceBook page, these are the songs that the audience wanted to hear........
Lisa Morris To Majesty
“The show must go on 😄😄😄😄”
Majesty To Lisa
“Lovely song ❤️❤️❤️”
Lisa To Majesty
“So why didn’t you sing it”
Majesty To Lisa
“Ahhh I knew I missed one out!!! Next time dear!! ❤️❤️”
Brodie Mason To Majesty
“Hope they play ‘We are the Champions’”
Majesty To Brodie
“If your all good boys and girls we may treat you 🤘🤘🤘”
Brodie To Majesty
“Great tribute band! Thanks”
Hayley Rudland To Majesty
"Please play don’t stop me now! 🙂"
Majesty To Hayley
“Alright! 🤘🤘🤘🎸🎸🎸”
Kim Huffman To Majesty
“Please play - Somebody to Love 😘🥰
I’m at the show tonight 😘😘😘”
Majesty To Kim
“Hope you liked it Kim ❤️❤️❤️”
Kim To Majesty
“Loved it 😉”
Jackie O'Brien To Majesty
“Your my best friend”
Majesty To Jackie
“Love it Jackie ❤️❤️”
David Hicks To Majesty
“Seven seas of rye, Flash Gordon, radio ga ga - for Joanne Hicks
Majesty To David
“Great choices 🤘🤘🤘”
Paris E Young To Majesty
“Radio GaGa, Loving your show”
Majesty To Paris
“Coming your way Paris 🤘🤘🤘”
Paris To Majesty
“Why thank you darlings”
Paris To Majesty
“Majesty Loving your show”
Majesty To Paris
Paris E Young To Majesty
“I love a bit of Love of My Life ❤️”
Merissca Zainudeen To Majesty
“The show must go on”
Majesty To Merissca
“Wonderful song 🤘🤘🤘”
Garry Jarman To Majesty
“We are the champions for Ashleigh”
Majesty To Garry
Peter Lee To Majesty
“All dead all dead”
Majesty To Peter
Peter To Majesty
“Majesty and of course love of my life. But I’m sure that’s on your list already 👍👍👍 awesome show😁😁”
Marwan Nabil Fekri To Majesty
“Somebody to love!”
Majesty To Marwan
Romien Benson To Majesty
“Love of my life ❤️”
Majesty To Romien
“Lovely song ❤️❤️”
Ezgi Ildam To Majesty
“You are my best friend!!!”
Graeme Henderson To Majesty
“Amazing night on the QE2....can you do “Headlong?” “
Simon King To Majesty
“How about Kashoggi’s Ship? I could have gone a bit more obscure from Queen II which is one of my favourite albums but Kashoggi always brings a smile to my face 😂”
Majesty To Simon
“Love the Miracle album. Can’t beat a bit of early Queen though 🤘🤘🤘”
Sarah Cookette To Majesty
“Radio ga ga, We will rock you For simon, We are your BIGGEST fans”
Majesty To Sarah
“Love it 🤘🤘🤘🤘 coming your way guys x”
Ozan Pekiner To Majesty
“You dont fool me!!!!”
Joana BV To Majesty
“Barcelonaaaa!! ❤❤❤❤❤”
Dipti C Charlton To Majesty
“We are the champions !!!”
Ally Lee To Majesty
“Please play Hammer to Fall!!!”
Debbi Flanders To Majesty
“Mustafa,Seven seas a Rhys, Don’t stop me now
Having a brilliant time you guys are fab!!!”
Majesty To Debbie
“One of my favourite songs - Mustafa!!!! 🤘🤘🤘🎸🎸🎸”
Joanne Graham-Kelly To Majesty
“Hi sitting in the audience and my request is “Love of my life” for my husband Sean who is sat next to me!” He will be shocked if you mention this is for him!
Great gig guys! 👍😘
Majesty To Joanne
“Lovely song Joanne! We’ll see if we can squeeze it in ❤️❤️”
Elisha Dove To Majesty
“I won't be a rock star. I will be a legend’. - indeed you are, what a show!!!”
Bohemian Rhapsody for us please 😘😘😘”
Majesty To Elisha
“Love it! 🤘🤘”
Dipti C Charlton To Majesty
“I want to break free!!!!!”
Ross Moore To Majesty
“I want to break free 🎵👍🏻🥳💃 cause I’m running away from her (temporarily ) 🏃 🤣
Majesty To Ross
“😂😂 We’ve all been there dear!”
Will Simpson To Majesty
“Thin Lizzy - The Boys are Back in Town”
Majesty To Will
“😂😂😂 There’s always one isn’t there!”
Dipti C Charlton To Majesty
“I want to break free🤗🙏”
Majesty To Dipti
“Coming your way Dipti x 🤘🤘🤘”
Dipti To Majesty
"Thanks a ton, made my evening"
Wendy Fletcher To Majesty
“Bohemian Rhapsody, but the whole thing would be amaze balls. Your voice ❤️”
Majesty To Wendy
“We did tease you there didn’t we. If you’re good boys and girls we’ll do it for you Wendy 🤘🤘”
Wendy To Majesty
“👏🏼👏🏼 Majesty you did not disappoint. ❤️”
On Majesty's FaceBook page, this is what people commented on the Review section.........
Reviews From Audience Members
Kristina Beggs
“These guys are amazing- what a great show in Dubai last night! it was like Freddie was there- accent, chat, mannerisms. every single member is an exceptional musician. QE2 2020 supper club!”
Cathie Eagle
“Just back from seeing these guys show on the QE2 and it was brilliant!”
Steve Holmes
“Fabulous show on the QE2 in Dubai last night! I hope they come back to Dubai very soon.... brilliant!”
Sarah Cookette
“Amazing night!! Fab band, fab venue🙌🏻”
Vicky Louise Deegan
“Watched these guys last night on the QE2 in Dubai and they were absolutely amazing! They are a really talented group of musicians. The guys voice is so good and just like Freddie Mercury!”
Elaine Campbell
“Fantastic band. A must see!!”
Emma Ewing
“Brilliant night on the Qe2... Great entertainment. Had a blast!”
Diane Parkins To Majesty
“QE2 you were awesome guys rocked it. Thank you for a fab night”
Elaine Campbell To Majesty
“Fantastic tonight guys on the #QE2Dubai. #Queen done proud! #majestyworldtour”
Photos From Majesty
I got in touch with Seth Daniels Peter Southern Chris Holland and Matthew Chung and asked if they took any photos.

Photos From Audience Members
Debbie Flanders
"Had an absolute blast and hope they come back :)"

Paris E Young
"I saw your Dubai show this afternoon :-). We had a great time. You are all incredible musicians and know how to work an audience which is so important! If you choose to return in the near future, I will be there."
"We were definitely having a good time
I even got to stand on stage at the end 🙂
Thank you for putting on a great show darlings x"

Stephen King
"Amazing performance on the matinee of QE2. Wish there had been tickets for the evening show as would happily have watched twice. great party vibe, so much fun."

Leaving Dubai
At the end of their time in Dubai and getting ready to leave, Majesty posted this Video on their Facebook Page.
They received the following comments.....
Kyrie Gemma Baldwin
Even tired you all still look fabulous and sound amazing I'm so happy you had such a great time in Dubai the UK has missed you though. Have a smooth flight home and get lots of rest Bournemouth will you need sounding and fighting fit love you loads and see you soon xxx
Lyn Macdonald
Glad you have all had a fantastic time. Get plenty of sleep on the plane. Have a good and safe journey home 😘
Gail Paul
Bless you all......glad you had a good time in Dubai!!! Safe journey home .....take it easy guys x
Paris E Young
I am so glad that you all had a good time in Dubai 🙂
Safe travels darlings 💋
Yuan Wen
Awesome show! Thank you!
Debbie Jones
Oh wow! I used to work on the QE2 back in the 90’s! Hope you had a fab time. I’m Just home from seeing you in Bournemouth! Great voice as always, even with a cold! Shame the seat police kept telling us to sit down at the front!!! Tell them Seth, we wanna rock!
Queen Tribute Band - Majesty
Debbie Jones ha ha that is a shame! I shall have words next time! 😉
Debbie Jones
Majesty please do! We’ve been coming since 2015/16, catch you when you’re down south, they weren’t that bad before 😂 Great voice xx

To keep updated on what “Queen Tribute Band Majesty” are up to, visit their FaceBook Twitter and One Night With Freddie pages.